Argumentative Essays

Pakistani women face equal opportunities as Men

Pakistani women face equal opportunities as men, Pakistani women have made great progress over recent years, yet still face many hurdles to achieving equality for themselves and all citizens of Pakistan regardless of gender. While the constitution ensures equal rights for all its citizens regardless of their gender identity or expression, there remain a number of laws and customs which discriminate against female citizens of Pakistan.

One of the greatest challenges Pakistani women face today is accessing education. According to a 2018 report by UNESCO, only 49% of Pakistani women are literate compared to 69% for men due to factors like poverty, child marriage and cultural norms that discourage girls from attending school.

Even when women do have access to school, they still often face discrimination and inequality. A 2019 Human Rights Watch study discovered that girls in Pakistan were significantly more likely to be expelled than boys and were also more vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence.

Pakistani women face equal opportunities as men:

Pakistani women face many difficulties accessing employment. According to a 2020 World Bank report, only 25% of women are employed compared to 72% of men; this may be caused by factors like limited education opportunities and childcare needs, or cultural norms which discourage women from leaving the home and seeking outside work opportunities.

Women facing discrimination when seeking employment often encounter difficulty finding it; for instance, according to a 2018 International Labour Organization (ILO) study on Pakistan women were paid less for performing similar work and more likely than men to be working in informal sectors where there are fewer rights and protections in place for them.

Pakistani women are making great strides despite the challenges they face. More and more of them are attending university and entering the workforce; others have also become increasingly involved in politics and government.

Recently, there have been various initiatives designed to better the lives of Pakistani women. For instance, the government has initiated programs designed to increase girls’ education and employment. Furthermore, legislation has also been passed protecting them against violence and discrimination.

Pakistani women must do more to ensure they have equal opportunities with men. The government must invest more in girls’ education and employment; and enforce laws protecting them against violence and discrimination.

Here are a few specific actions you can take to help Pakistani women:

Increase investment in girls’ education. Ease women into the workplace with affordable childcare and other support services. Enforce laws protecting them from violence and discrimination. Promote gender equality within media coverage as well as public spheres.
Change cultural norms that discriminate against women. Our vision for Pakistan is one in which all women have equal chances to succeed in all areas of life. Education, careers and personal decisions made independently by them as they make decisions for themselves, are treated with dignity and are recognized for the contribution they bring to society.

This vision may not yet be fully realized, but it remains worth striving for. There may be numerous obstacles in its path. However, with commitment from government, private sector, and civil society all working toward it as one entity this goal may soon become achievable.

Here are a few ways we can work to create a Pakistan in which women have equal chances to men:

Education can unlock women’s full potential. We must ensure all girls have access to quality education from primary school through university. Furthermore, lifelong learning should be promoted for women so they can keep up with changing demands of the workforce.
Create economic opportunities for women. We must increase and improve job opportunities for women, investing in sectors where women are traditionally underrepresented. Like science and technology – while making it easier for them to establish and run their own businesses.
Change cultural norms and attitudes. To challenge cultural attitudes that discriminate against women, such as gender inequality in the home, workplace, and community. We also must raise awareness of the significance of women’s empowerment.
Realizing this vision will require the collective involvement of all stakeholders. Government must develop and implement policies that support women’s empowerment. Private sector must foster an inclusive workplace with equal pay; while civil society organizations must continue advocating for the rights of women and girls.

But ultimately it falls to each and every one of us to ensure a Pakistan where women have equal chances. We can start by challenging our own biases and prejudices as well as speaking out against gender discrimination and supporting women within our communities.

Together, we can forge a brighter future for all Pakistanis.

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